Curtiss Wright Manuals
We’ve got the manuals you need for the P-40 Warhawk, C-46 Commando, AT-9 Jeep, R-2600, R-1820, and R-3350 Engines.If you’re like me, you’ve been frustrated more than once when you typed something like
We’ve got the manuals you need for the P-40 Warhawk, C-46 Commando, AT-9 Jeep, R-2600, R-1820, and R-3350 Engines.If you’re like me, you’ve been frustrated more than once when you typed something like
The first step in identifying the warbird parts and information you needThe manual series titled “Index of Army-Navy Aeronautical Equipment” is one of the most overlooked, and invaluable research and
AirCorps Library has one of the largest available collections of Hamilton Standard technical manuals.Many people have questions about Hamilton Standard propellers and the associated governors, hubs, a
So many wheels, so little time: Breaking down a comprehensive Bendix wheel manualWheels, Brakes, & StrutsMany people are interested in landing gear components - I get questions about it all the ti
Have you ever wondered what your local airport looked like during World War II? See aerial photos from the 1940s with our historical Airport Directory 3 volume set!In late 2017 the Combat Air Museum a
A verified manual set that every P-51 owner, operator, and mechanic needsWould you say that you have a complete set of the required P-51D Mustang manuals? How about comfortably discussing your technic