T-28, V-1710, and a handful of other manuals are added to AirCorps Library this week

T-28 Trojan Manuals:
The first blog post that I wrote when I started working at AirCorps Aviation back in 2016 was related to the T-28. Because of this the Trojan is still close to my heart, and I love it when I find new manuals to add to the site related to this versatile warbird. The T-28 manuals that we've added this week are doubly neat because they came from the Ken Jungeberg Collection. Ken worked for North American Aviation for 19 years and saved an incredible amount of material when the Columbus Ohio facility that he was working in closed in 1988. The manuals below are just a tiny sliver of this!
Maintenance Instructions for T-28B and T-28C, NAVAIR 01-60FGB-2, 15-Sept-1967
Maintenance Instructions for T-28B and T-28C, NAVAIR 01-60FGB-2, 12-Apr-1971
Maintenance Instructions for T-28B and T-28C, NAVAIR 01-60FGB-2, 12-May-1972
Maintenance Instructions for T-28B and T-28C, NAVAIR 01-60FGB-2, 25-April-1972
Engineering Technical Directive for T-28 Army Applications, 740(A)-9-62, 10-

Allison V-1710 Engine Manuals:
When you think of the engines that powered the aircraft of WWII, it's usually the Packard/Merlin V-1650, Pratt & Whitney R-2800, and of course the Allison V-1710. What's fun about this weeks batch of added manuals is that almost all of them are published by Allison, not the military. These manuals came to us from the Jay Wisler Collection - read more about who the legendary Jay is, and how the process of scanning an uploading manuals is done in my blog post titled "
getting them live". Or, just enjoy this great collection of newly added manuals this week!
Allison Service School Handbook for V-1710 Models E and F, ALD-SSH-5, 1-Dec-1943
Instructional Charts for Allison Engines - Instructors Instruction Manual, ASC-1M-18, 15-Aug-1942
Checking the Timing on V-1710 Liquid Cooled Engines, Bulletin No. 6, 22-July-1942
Information Guide for Auxiliary Stage Supercharger for V-1710 Engines, T.O. No. 30-5A-1S, 1-July-1944
Information Guide for Allison V-1710 E and F Engines, T.O. No. 30-5A-1, 1-Jan-1944
Pratt & Whitney Engine Manuals:
Seeing this single pocket handbook is a bit deceiving because we have so much more related to Pratt & Whitney engines! We have
general P&W manuals,
R-1340 Wasp,
R-1830 Twin Wasp Jr,
R-2000 Twin Wasp,
R-2800 Double Wasp,
R-1340 Wasp Major, and over 30
Pratt & Whitney engine specification documents! The pocketbook below is actually not specific to a specific Pratt & Whitney engine, but rather contains general engine information such as air properties, speed effects, conversion tables, and the like.
Aeroproducts Propeller Manuals: