American Aviation and Aero Digest Magazines!
The new addition to AirCorps Library this week is a section dedicated to magazines. There are 20 issues from 2 publications: American Aviation, and Aero Digest. I love looking through aviation magazines from World War 2 because they have so many great technical articles that can help with our modern restorations, not to mention the advertising really takes you back to another time!
American Aviation Magazines:
American Aviation describes itself on the cover as "The Independent Voice of American Aeronautics" and discusses the political climate surrounding wartime aviation. Although political in nature, this magazine (which could be purchased for 20 cents an issue), gives a real time glimpse behind the scenes of the aviation industry at the time. And the ads aren't bad either!
Aero Digest Magazines:
The 10 newly added Aero Digest issues, dated from 1942 and 1943, are currently only available to AirCorps Library members. Aero Digest or Aviation Engineering is a technical publication that is both incredibly informative and fun to read magazine - become a member today to get started - and look for more issues to be added in 2023!