New Bendix & AiResearch manuals on AirCorps Library
Bendix was a prolific sub-contractor during WWII, that continued to be successful long after the war was over. Bendix had many divisions that you can find listed on manuals, such as Eclipse, Pioneer (sometimes hyphenated as Eclipse-Pioneer), Bendix Pacific, Bendix Utica, Bendix-Scintilla, Bendix-Stromberg, and Bendix Red Bank just to name a few! As a company Bendix manufactured aircraft turrets, instruments, magnetos, carburetors, aircraft wheels and landing gear struts, aircraft compasses, hydraulic system components, and much more - talk about diversified!
In comparison, other companies specialized in a single area, such as AiResearch who made electrical components for aircraft. AiResearch still manufactured a wide variety of components within the electrical system, such as: motors, actuators, and cowl flap control mechanisms, and also later branched into oil system components.
As you scroll through the list of manuals below that were added to AirCorps Library today, think about the time it took not only to design and manufacture these components, but also to write the manuals themselves!
New Aircraft Actuator Manuals:
NAVAER 03-5CHA-516, Overhaul Instructions for Electromechanical Linear Actuator - Part 34622 - Model ELA20-43 (Airesearch) 1-Mar-1957
NAVAER 03-5CHA-517, Parts Breakdown for Electromechanical Linear Actuator for Part 34622 - Model ELA20-43 (Airesearch) 1-Mar-1957
T.O. No. 16G3-2-23-3, Overhaul Inst w Parts for Linear Jack p Parts 29586, 29586-1 and 29586-2 (Airesearch) 1-May-1957