A Wider Variety of Manuals
After the past several weeks, it feels good to have a bit of a variety in the manuals that we're adding to AirCorps Library! We've still got a handful of actuator and motor manuals for today, but there is also new information on the F-86, PBY, Fuel System, Instruments, and more! Click the links below to check them out!
New F-86 Sabre Manuals:
These new manuals were added at the request of an AirCorps Library member who will be doing work on North American Aviation's first jet fighter. The F-83 Sabre, which is also called the Sabrejet is just another example of the NAA's dedication to building some of the best and well known aircraft.
AN 01-60JLA-6, Inspection Requirements for F-86A Aircraft, 17-Nov-1950
T.O. No. 01-1-339, Use of the Elevator & Aileron Trim-Tab Switch in B-7, B-7A, & B-8, Control Stick Grip Assemblies for F-80 Series, -84, -86, -89, -94, & T-33A, 7-Mar-1952
New Fuel System Manual:
New PBY Catalina Manual:
New P-38 Lightening Manual:
New General Manuals:
New Hydraulics Manuals:
New Instrument Manuals:
New Actuator Manuals:
AN 03-5CHD-4, Overhaul Instruction w Parts Breakdown for Actuator - Models R-110M1-1, R-110M4-1 (Airborne Accessories) 1-Mar-1952
AN 03-5CHD-6, Overhaul Instructions w Parts Breakdown for Actuator - Model R-244M3 (Airborne Accessories) 15-April-1952